
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2018


LEE EL TEXTO  DETROIT THEN AND NOW  BUSCA PALABRAS  DESCONOCIDOS Y ESCRIBE LA IDEA CENTRAL DEL TEXTO. ANEXA A EN LA CARPETA  TALLER Nº 12 DETROIT: THEN AND NOW A message from Life co-author, Helen Stephenson The story of Detroit is very interesting. It’s a city that was rich, then it was poor and now it’s becoming rich again. I think it’s a ‘good news’ story. Detroit skyline with fireworks The American city of Detroit was like Paris, some people said. It had a big river, beautiful wide streets and important buildings. Then, in the 20th century, it was called ‘Motor City’ because of the number of car factories there. Workers in the car factories had good jobs and they earned good money. It wasn’t unusual to own a home, a boat and even a holiday home. In the 1950s, new highways were built and lots of people moved from the city centre to the suburbs. Life was good. But at the beginning of the 21st century, Detroit became America’s poorest big city....


RESUELVE EL SIGUIENTE EJERCICIO RELACIONADO CON EL PRESENTE PERFECTO. PUEDES IMPRIMIR Y  TRABAJAR EN LA HOJA O IR A LA DIRECCIÓN,  RESOLVER E IMPRIMIR. TRABAJO QUE SE ANEXA EN LA CARPETA PRESENT PERFECT TENSE EXERCISES Fill in the gaps with the right forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the following English sentences in Present Perfect Tense. Principio del formulario 1. They    ---------------------------------London this month. ( leave ) 2. He      --------------------------------  a lot of English papers. ( bring ) 3. She  -------------------------------------- me about it. ( tell ) 4. I     ----------------------------------------- a long letter from father this week. ( get ) 5. She (just)    ------------------------------- she will speak to you in a minute. ( come ) 6. I     ----------------------------------------  to Radio City. ( be ) 7. I think the di...


COLEGIO DISTRITAL MENORAH LOGROS E INDICADORES DE LOGROS   IV NOVENOS 2018 1. DESARROLLA HABILIDADES BÁSICAS DE COMUNICACIÓN:ESCUCHA, COMPRENSION , LECTURA,   ESCRITURA   Y PRACTICAS     EN   INGLES (Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading). 1.1. Identifica la idea principal de un texto oral   y escrito   teniendo en cuenta   conocimientos previos del tema. 1.2 Practica conversaciones sencillas atendiendo tiempos en inglés. 1.3 Escribe narraciones sencillas sobre experiencias personales y hechos cercanos     2. EJERCITA   HABILIDADES DE LECTO-ESCRITURA   EN IDIOMA EXTRANJERO. 2.1 Lee y comprende textos cortos teniendo en cuenta tiempos verbales 2.2. Resuelve de manera acertada pruebas saber en idioma extranjero. 2. 3. Relata y escribe textos cortos lógicos y coherentes   atendiendo tiempos y estructuras gramaticales. 3 . ATIENDE NORMAS DEL MANUAL DE CONVIVENCIA GENERANDO UN AMBIEN...